Monday, April 30, 2007

Odds to consider before the 2007 Kentucky Derby

Of course, ya'll should know by now that the 2007 Kentucky Derby kicks off the quest for the Triple Crown.

And just in case you didn't, YEAH, the 2007 Kentucky Derby kicks off this year's quest for the Triple Crown. And if you don't know what the Triple Crown is, it's like the Holy Grail of horse racing when one colt wins the 2007 Kentucky Derby on May 5 and win both of this year's Preakness Stakes AND Belmont Stakes.

Yeah, it sure is one tough deal alright. That's why in this sport known as horse racing, you really can't say who are the favorites to win one goddamn race. Yep, it sure is hard to pick winners in horse racing that's why sportsbooks have no choice but to just label some horses as ''favorites'' depending on their finishes in the previous races.

What's even more baffling is the fact that horse trainers and owners spend millions and millions of dollars just so they can win a goddamn race with a prize money that is merely a fraction of how much they spent training the goddamn colt. He he... And that's the brutal truth.

These guys could very well be the wealthy wannabe kings of the modern day sport who each year spend hundreds of millions of dollars on yearlings and two-year-olds trying to buy and train a horse capable of delivering the glory and return on investment that would come with owning the stallion that sweeps all three American classics. That being the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness Stakes and the Belmont Stakes.

Of the 35 most expensive colts from this year's three-year-old crop purchased at public auction, only the $1.5 million Cowtown Cat is still on track for the quest. And his early odds are 20-1 in the 2007 Kentucky Derby.

This means the other $88.5 million spent on 34 others may be hard to recover. Fuck.

Oh yeah, since the Triple Crown series began waaay back in 1919, only 11 horses did it. He he... Sure was a looong looong time ago eh? And there is ample evidence that it is harder than ever, largely because of a dramatic shift in the way commercial breeders have responded to market demands that favor early speed in two-year-olds over stamina. Whatever the hell that means.

Who will win the 2007 Kentucky Derby? Bodog has the early favorites.

Street Sense 7/1

Ravel 8/1

Nobiz Like Shobiz 12/1

Any Given Saturday 11/1

Visit OddsHQ for more horse race betting odds and the best lines in some of the biggest sporting events today.

2007 Kentucky Derby Triple Crown Series


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